Friday, September 18, 2015

Is Wealth Enough to Get Trump a Nomination?

In a recent the New York Times article possible presidential candidate Donald Trump expresses his confidence in that what he lacks in specifics he makes up for in with his enormous wealth and celebrity status. Trump claims that he is prepared to spend $100 million or more (just last month he boasted that he would spend $1 billion if need be) to achieve status as the Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election. But even after months of surging in the Republican polls, Trump has faced increasingly combative opponents in recent debates and drew in some rough attention for his vague and blustery answers. Trump  said he did not give specific answers because he believe most people cared more about viewing his pugnacious leadership style than listening to detailed policy plans.

But what does this say about American politics if all a top presidential candidate has to rely on is his wealth to get a nomination?